4-H T-shirt

Order Your 4-H Apparel

Calumet County 4-H families can now order 4-H apparel.  Orders are being accepted September 28 through October 28.  T-Shirts, sweatshirts, polos and half-zip pullovers are available. Place your order here!


Baking Cookies with Carlea

Carlea Liermann, Calumet County 4-H Program Educator, teaches 4-H members and other youth how to make her family’s favorite cookie recipe. During this YouTube video, Carlea will show members how to double a recipe, how to use measuring cups, and share an alternate way to bake cookies.

lego boat

Virtual Lego Club Meeting

Join us on Monday, July 13, at 4:00 pm for a Virtual Lego Club Meeting. The challenge for this meeting is to build a boat using Legos that will float in water. We will take turns showing our boats to the group so we can see how they float. We will start with an ice […]